Yesterday was a big day for the Bray Neuroimaging Lab: Mark successfully defended his Master's thesis titled "Modular Development of Gray Matter in Childhood and Adolescence". He investigated network development in the healthy human brain during childhood and adolescence and looked at a data set of over 400 typically developing participants. In particular, he analyzed whether surface area, cortical thickness and volume undergo different developmental trajectories and show differential synchronized developmental patterns. 

Mark started his Master's project in Biomedical Engineering in January 2014 for which he was awarded an NSERC studentship. He was part of the NSERC CREATE International and Industrial Imaging Training (I3T) Program, which is designed to train highly qualified personnel who will drive the future of Medical Imaging in Canada. We're sad to see him leave, but also excited for him to begin the next phase of his education at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University this fall.

AuthorSigne Bray