We attended the ACHRI 2015 Symposium yesterday which gave us a wonderful overview of the research done in the ACHRI Genes, Development & Health theme and where we met lots of other ACHRI trainees. Keelin, Mark and Manu also presented their research during a poster session and had interesting discussions about their projects. Today, we are looking forward to workshops aiming to help trainees build their careers. Thank you ACHRI for organizing!

Mark presented results from his thesis project "Neurodevelopmental Trajectories of Structural Covariance Networks in the Human Cerebral Cortex". Keelin presented preliminary results from her thesis project "Evoked responses to affective stimuli as a marker for reward system dysfunction in ASD." Manu presented first results from a question she asked for her neuroimaging study: "Can pictures of 'restricted interests' be used to investigate neural responses during reinforcement learning in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders?".

AuthorSigne Bray